Welcome to the webpage for the South East Contest Club. We are a group of amateur radio enthusiasts that have an common interest in radio sporting. The club covers portions of Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. Click on the Club Circle link on the top of this page to check if you’re in our club circle.
If you are an active contester or would like to get involved in contesting we’re eager for you to join us! We especially encourage you to join our mailing list. Click the “SECC Groups.io” menu button. Once you’re subscribed to the mailing list , you’ll be able to exchange messages with the rest of the group by sending e-mails addressed to secc@groups.io . If you’re interested in becoming a member click the “Join the SECC” menu button. There are no dues. Please tour the site and offer any suggestions.
Contesting is one of the most exciting aspects of our amateur radio hobby. Our competitive spirit is a big part of who we are. We’re always looking for new members who share our passion for radio contesting.
Click here to make a donation via PayPal to help support the hosting costs of both the South East Contest Club and Georgia QSO Party web pages. SECC also sponsors plaques for NAQP SSB , CQWW DX SSB and CQWW DX CW that require donations. Please use Family and Friends so your donation isn’t charged a PayPal fee. All donations would be greatly appreciated. If you don’t use PayPal you can send a check to K4BAI made out to “John Laney”. Thanks.

2025 South East Contest Club Officers
- President – Randy Farmer, W8FN
- Vice President – Scott Wooten, KW4NJA
- Secretary- Greg Davis, N3ZL
- Treasurer – John Laney, K4BAI
Club Meetings
Zoom Meeting Coordinator – Andy Goss, AA5JF
Please contact AA5JF if you have an idea or are willing to present at one of our online Zoom club meetings.